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@rk_asylum だんぼーる製だからもろいのです(気が向いたらねこはうす二代目が出来るのかも)



ねこのはこ(だんぼーる製) → ねこはうす(だんぼーる製)

@bea I think OOM killer
is the last resort.. So, I don't want to use it in ordinary workload..😅 I'm thinking about periodic restart by cron now(conservative way😐).

Does we need puma/sidekiq worker killer? (to save memory)🤔

I felt scared when I see top command says node(webpack) process consumes >50% memory.

assets:precompile on 1GB server(32bit) result:
324.34user 10.13system 6:39.09elapsed 83%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 699208maxresident)k
339283inputs+108936outputs (7383major+443605minor)pagefaults 0swaps
it says it takes only 683MB.🤔 (really?)? (I know it takes 1GB memusage on main 64bit server.)

RSS of sidekiq is currently 134540KB.
I setup server with 2GB swap.
Here is free -m result.
total used free shared buf/cache available
Mem: 1001 542 353 18 105 322
Swap: 2007 104 1903

@bea Somehow it is currently works at least for me..🤔 but I wonder that is it works for longer time period or more user..feels hard😐
(What I does: use 32bit OS for saving memory. and run assets:precompile on other PC and copy result.)

@bea almost yes. This is a testing instance. This server has only smaller memory(1GB🤔).


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